Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Simple Review of a Simple Blog

From what I can tell, Eileen Smith’s Blog “In the Pink Texas” is full of a lot of opinion and less than enough fact. Although Smith provides credible evidence for most of the things that she talks about, she goes for a more humorous than informative take on the current presidential debate and all things politics. One blog entry on Smith’s page caught my eye today, and it just so happens to be all about women. Does this blogger consider herself a feminist? With the blog entry “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”, Smith very well could be.
Written on October 16, 2012, Smith provides her honest opinion of this year’s presidential debate in the opening paragraph. Obviously, Smith is for Obama taking the seat as president once again, but admits to having her doubts about his success in doing so. With this opening paragraph, it is apparent that Smith is writing to a young audience. Lacking extreme details and using simple language, this particular article stands to individually express instead of inform on a widespread level. Smith wrote this entry to express her feelings about a particular campaign strategy that both 2012 presidential candidates, Obama and Romney, have decidedly taken on: the role of perfect husband and dependable father.
Although Smith makes a valid argument in pointing out the fact that the role of the domesticated woman is being belittled, she does not consider the other side of the coin. What if domesticated women are the target because statistics have revealed that this demographic has shown the largest patterns of voter turn-out in the past? Both candidates will do whatever it takes to win the presidential election, even if it means that domesticated women become their center of attention. Smith adds a humorous touch to keep the tone of the article simple, giving it an even greater appeal to the audience she is attempting to attract.
 Personally, I appreciate Smith’s wit and her sarcasm. Although it gives her article less of a serious tone, it does add a relaxed atmosphere to the topic of politics. Reading various snip-its of Smith’s articles does not leave me better informed necessarily, but certainly more aware of details circulating the presidential debate. Her stance is an extremely opinionated one, but it is her opinions that provide a bit of entertainment as well as an awareness of what is happening within this debate.

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