Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Summarizing an Opinion

Austin Chronicle reporter Michael King gives his opinion of Perry’s reaction to hearing of a new law that repudiates lower class citizens right to vote based on wages. In the article, Point Austin: 'NoBueno', King writes about Perry’s knack of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. King feels that Perry lied to Texas citizens in a recent public statement about the law in an attempt to keep the people happy. While the state of Texas actually attempted to make discrimination among voters worse, Perry stated that it was federal judges who were making it tougher for Texas to keep elections fair and accurate. King goes on to expose evidence of fraud and ultimately bash government within the state of Texas.

Although it is the opinion of a reporter, this article is one to read because of the truth that it exposes. Without the opinions and reports of the wrong-doings that occur among government, the public would be under a false pretense that government cannot be corrupt. Exposer is a strong element within this article that the reader gains from.

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