Thursday, November 29, 2012

Health Care in Texas

A topic that has recently caught my attention is the cost of healthcare- not only in Texas, but throughout the United States. It is not recent news that without insurance, healthcare is nearly impossible to afford. If a person does not have an insurance provider, such as BlueCross BlueShield or MAPS, a trip to the hospital for an ear infection can cost up to $3,000. Going to the hospital for a broken hand can cost up to $17,000! These ridiculous amounts appall me.
What seems even more ridiculous to me is the fact that an amendment made in 2003 to limit medical payouts has done nothing to help the problem. Apparently, there has been no significant change in the growing levels of money that healthcare professionals are demanding from individuals. Desperate for a way out, people are turning to the law. Suing doctors for malpractice seems to be the only option for some. How else to climb out of the growing debt that healthcare providers have created?
What seems most interesting to me is the difference in the health care system that occurs in Canada. The principle is that all Canadian citizens will receive “all ‘medically necessary and hospital physician services’” with no cost sharing for services. All of this is guaranteed under federal law. This is the same principal that Obama is trying to implement in America…something that thousands of people are opposing.
My question is this: Why can’t Texas implement such a law? Also, why are people opposing such principles? I want answers and I want them now.

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