Thursday, August 30, 2012

Here to Become a Part of Texas

Here I am, a college student born and raised in Texas, with less knowledge about my own state's government than I thought. Although I call myself a "true Texan", I have let general knowledge and political knowledge pertaining to my own state evade me for years. I was not completely sure of my own political ideology until recently taking the "Where Do You Fit? 2011 Pew Research Political Typology Quiz". Learning the ins and outs of Texas government is what I stand to accomplish.

According to the "Where Do You Fit? 2011 Pew Research Political Typology Quiz", I am a solid liberal. Shortly after taking the quiz I learned that what being a solid liberal translates to is that-along with 14% of the general public- I believe in governmental assistance, religion is not an importance in my life, and I am very supportive of the United States growing racial and ethnic diversity. I feel comfortable with the results of this quiz and the fact that my stand point is shared by others.

Taking the Texas General Knowledge Exam and the Texas Political Knowledge Exam left me feeling like a phony to the devotion I have to my state. On each exam, I knew the answers to two out of ten questions. Those questions being: "What is a quinceaƱera?" and "What music festival is held annually in Austin’s Zilker Park?" from the Texas General Knowledge Exam and "Which party has the most members in the Texas Senate?" and "Which political party has the most members in the Texas House of Representatives?" in the Texas Political Knowledge Exam. I had no knowledge of the fact that both Rick Perry and Ron Paul came from Texas or that the Texas state reptile was the Texas Horned Lizard. Feeling very behind on this subject already, I will be sure to read up on Texas government before calling myself a "true Texan" ever again.

Luckily, taking Texas State and Local Government will help me become knowledgeable about my state. I hope to learn what stand point the majority of Texans take on government, which political officials are important, how I can get involved in Texas government, and everything in between. I know this class will help me achieve my goal because it is what the course is all about. While learning about the governmental structure of Texas, I will also be able to accumulate facts about the world of government in order to become involved in the politics of my country. With the upcoming election growing nearer and nearer, there is no better time that now to learn how government works and what stand point I choose to believe in. Texas government can be interesting and fun, getting down to the nitty gritty of things is where it all begins.